Parkview Baptist is a Southern Baptist Church who is uniquely affiliated with the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention.  We affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 created by the SBC.  

 Our mission statement: "Cross United, Kingdom Focused."

   This came about from the passage of 1 Corinthians 15:57-58.  Everybody has been made by God but not one person is the same.  We find some things in common but not all things are in common.  When we get to the cross, we can come from all walks of life and still find the same thing...we are sinners in need of a wonderful saviour.  We can all be different but together in Christ, who gives us the victory at the cross.   What follows is the Christian service to Christ.  Jesus saved us, not so we can live how we have always lived, but so that we could go as ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) of the Kingdom of Christ bringing others to His life changing grace.

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